Few people know as much about today’s antisemitism as Manfred Gerstenfeld and write about it with the kind of insight and authority that he does. Given his experiences in Europe in his early years, first in his native Austria and then in the Netherlands and France, Manfred’s schooling in this unhappy subject was personal before it became professional. Jew-hatred was part of his lived reality and remains so to this day, often linked to the destructive passions that fuel Israel-hatred. He follows the manifestations of this social pathology day-by-day, every day except Shabbat, and is dedicated to opening people’s eyes about its character and consequences if it goes unchecked.
Fluent in several European languages, Manfred keeps current with developments in Austria, England, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Norway, and elsewhere, identifies patterns in the way antisemitism has been growing in all of these countries, and writes continually about its dangers. Over the last 15 years or so, he has published numerous books and countless articles about 21st century antisemitism and anti-Zionism and the links between the two. His learning runs deep, as does his commitment to exposing the bad actors who foster contemporary hostility to Jews and the Jewish state.
His is a leading voice in clarifying and combating this scourge, and we are fortunate to have him still with us. May he continue his good work for many years to come.”