There are many relatively ‘new’ terminologies which cover events, which took place millennia ago. Some scholars claim that labeling them as such is anachronistic. This is a mistaken concept. There is more truth in saying that the appropriate semantics have … [Read More]
Manfred Gerstenfeld
by Machla Abramovitz Decades after the Holocaust, anti-Semitic sentiments are, once again, openly expressed throughout Western democracies. Within the UN and other corridors of power, the world’s only Jewish country – Israel – is under attack, while threats of genocide … [Read More]
…Let me at this point say that after watching the videos of Hillel Neuer, one of the best of my and former students, Rabbi Cooper, Alvin Rosenfeld, I think they already gave you excellent introductions to Manfred Gerstenfeld, so … [Read More]
Our distinguished honoree, Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld, was born in Austria. He survived the Second World War in the Netherlands. He was educated later in France and made his way to Israel. This life experience reflects the history which became … [Read More]
Few people know as much about today’s antisemitism as Manfred Gerstenfeld and write about it with the kind of insight and authority that he does. Given his experiences in Europe in his early years, first in his native Austria and then … [Read More]
Good evening, I am Hillel Neuer with UN Watch in Geneva. I am pleased to be delivering this message this evening both as a graduate and alumnus of CIJR and its student training program working on Dateline Middle East and … [Read More]
Good evening, Erev Tov to our dear friends up in Montreal Canada and as a loyal follower of the Canadian Institute for Jewish Research it is a particular honor to be with you at least by way of a video … [Read More]
“The United Nations is singling out Israel and the Jewish people for differential and discriminatory treatment in the international arena. It purports to protect international human rights, but instead gives anti-Jewishness a protective cover.” Irwin Cotler, Member of the Canadian … [Read More]
After the war the French ignored the surviving Jews. They wanted to wipe out the recent past and start anew from a state of forgetfulness. The philosopher Jean Paul Sartre concludes this in his book Reflexions sur la question juive, … [Read More]
For Laurence Weinbaum, director of research at the Institute of the World Jewish Congress, Jerusalem, the notion of moral restitution is a misnomer vis-a-vis the reception of the surviving Jews in Poland after the Holocaust. “There were many instances of … [Read More]