Hillel Neuer, Director UN Watch Geneva, Honors Manfred Gerstenfeld at CIJR Montreal 2019 Gala

Good evening, I am Hillel Neuer with UN Watch in Geneva.  I am pleased to be delivering this message this evening both as a graduate and alumnus of CIJR and its student training program working on Dateline Middle East and many other important projects and programs with Professor Krantz and the whole team at CIJR and it gives me pleasure tonight to pay tribute to someone that you are honoring, Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld, who for me has been an inspiring figure. His works, his information, his analysis has been essential to understand the demonization of Israel and the Jewish people and the particular way that is manifest within Western societies and Western civilization and in particular in Europe.  The work that he has done at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs has been for so many of us truly essential in our work and I would say for the work that we do here at UN Watch it has been inspirational.

Dr. Gerstenfeld is a friend of mine and he has trained a great many younger people over the years who are now doing very important work on behalf of Israel and Jewish people so it’s really a pleasure for me to send my very best wishes to you, Manfred, and to all my friends, Professor Krantz and everyone else at CIJR wishing you a great and successful gala event tonight and much hazlacha in all your future work.  Congratulations and Mazal Tov.


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