What Israel Should Learn from the Greek Crisis The current Greek financial and social crisis is not only the result of poor management of many successive Greek governments. A huge contribution to this calamity has also been made by various … [Read More]
Category Archives: 2015
Teaching American Jewish Students about the Israel-Arab Conflict Manfred Gerstenfeld interviews Dr. Irwin J. (Yitzchak) Mansdorf “Over the past decade, I’ve developed a curriculum on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict for American Jewish students who are studying in Israel for the year. … [Read More]
One simple example of how to fight Israel’s delegitimization A large number of cheap projects can help counteract delegitimization of Israel somewhat. One example, among many, is the blog, Bad News from the Netherlands. What convinced me to start this … [Read More]
The sustainability of the conflict If Israel were to have a central counter- propaganda unit, one of its functions would be to address the regular abuse of semantics to demonize the country. Two expressions of such abuse which easily come … [Read More]
Why anti-Semitism is part of European culture Anti-Semitism is not only part of European history but also an ingredient of its culture. The lengthy anti-Semitic history of Europe is rife with defamation, discrimination, double standards, pogroms, expulsions and other persecutions. … [Read More]
How European Jews moved to Galut without relocating After 1948, many Jews in the Western world gradually began to consider themselves to be living in the Diaspora rather than in galut, which translates as exile. The establishment of the State … [Read More]
France: Importing conflict from, and exporting problems to the Middle East It came as a surprise for Israel’s leadership that at the UN Security Council, France voted in favor of Palestinian statehood. This was contrary to the positions held by … [Read More]
Obama’s negligence Have the tensions between the Obama and Netanyahu administrations led to an increase in American anti-Israelism and anti-Semitism, and have these tensions spurred the movement for the delegitimization of Israel? While these questions cannot be answered scientifically, there … [Read More]
Will defeating Islamic State take more than a generation? US General (Ret.) John Allen recently said that it will take “a generation or more” to defeat the Islamic State (IS) movement. He is the senior American envoy for the coalition … [Read More]
Empathy for the enemy: Yet another Western pipe dream A group of Dutch students recently visited Bar-Ilan University. They requested a specific lecture, on the topic of whether understanding the suffering of your enemy can help bring about reconciliation. The … [Read More]