Introduction to Behind the Humanitarian Mask: the Nordic Countries, Israel, and the Jews by Manfred Gerstenfeld

Introduction by Manfred Gerstenfeld In recent years the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs has published several articles about the Nordic countries, Jews, and Israel in both the Jewish Political Studies Review and Post-Holocaust and Anti-Semitism. Gradually a picture has emerged of … [Read More]

Rescue, Expulsion, and Collaboration: Denmark’s Difficulties with Its World War II Past. Essay by Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson and Bent Blüdnikow

From From Behind the Humanitarian Mask: The Nordic Countries, Israel, and the Jews by Manfred Gerstenfeld, 2008 The Danish World War II legacy is ostensibly a pleasant one. In most international presentations to date, the Danish chapter of World War II history … [Read More]