Swiss Policy toward Refugees Before, During, and after World War II: Manfred Gerstenfeld on “Nur ein Durchgangsland”: Arbeitslager und Internierungsheime für Flüchtlinge unter Emigranten in der Schweiz 1940-1949 (“Only a Transit Country”: Work Camps and Internment Homes for Refugees among Emigrants in Switzerland, 1940-1949) by Simon Erlanger

Swiss Policy toward Refugees Before, During, and after World War II “Nur ein Durchgangsland”: Arbeitslager und Internierungsheime für Flüchtlinge unter Emigranten in der Schweiz 1940-1949 (“Only a Transit Country”: Work Camps and Internment Homes for Refugees among Emigrants in Switzerland, … [Read More]

German-Israeli Relations since the 1990s: Manfred Gerstenfeld on Germany and Israel in the 1990s and Beyond: Still a“Special Relationship”? by Yves Pallade, Peter Lang

German-Israeli Relations since the 1990s Germany and Israel in the 1990s and Beyond: Still a”Special Relationship”? by Yves Pallade, Peter Lang, 2005, 598 pp. Reviewed by Manfred Gerstenfeld This book gives a broad overview of German-Israeli relations since the former’s … [Read More]

The Failed Bombing by Leftists of the Berlin Jewish Community Center on Kristallnacht 1969: Manfred Gerstenfeld on Die Bombe im Jüdischen Gemeindehaus, by Wolfgang Kraushaa

The Failed Bombing by Leftists of the Berlin Jewish Community Center on Kristallnacht 1969 Die Bombe im Jüdischen Gemeindehaus, by Wolfgang Kraushaar, Hamburger Edition HIS Verlagsges, 300 pp., 2005. Reviewed by Manfred Gerstenfeld On 9 November 1969, a bomb was planted in … [Read More]

Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories in Contemporary Germany: Manfred Gerstenfeld on Antisemitische Verschwörungstheorien nach dem 11. September (Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories after September 11) by Tobias Jaecker

Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories in Contemporary Germany Antisemitische Verschwörungstheorien nach dem 11. September (Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories after September 11) by Tobias Jaecker, LIT, 2005, 208 pp. [in German] Reviewed by Manfred Gerstenfeld Anti-Semitic conspiracy theories have been around for close to … [Read More]