In January 2003, Mel Gibson announced that he intended to make a film that would tell the whole gospel truth about Jesus’ crucifixion. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) decided to reach out privately to Gibson for assurance that this film would … [Read More]
Category Archives: 2006
Published in European-Israeli Relations: Between Confusion and Change, 2006. About 20 percent of the Members of the European Parliament are friends of Israel. Another 20 percent are clear friends of the Palestinian people, while the remaining 60 percent like to … [Read More]
Violent anti-Semitism is rare in Ireland. Although the Irish government has a strong anti-Israel bias, it cannot be faulted as far as protecting the Jewish community is concerned. Neo-Nazis in Ireland are marginal. Much more of a threat to the … [Read More]
The issue of Dutch institutional and governmental apologies for Holocaust behavior came to the fore again with the unexpected apology of Dutch Railways to the Jewish community in September 2005. These belated apologies should be seen in a broader Dutch … [Read More]
Swiss Policy toward Refugees Before, During, and after World War II “Nur ein Durchgangsland”: Arbeitslager und Internierungsheime für Flüchtlinge unter Emigranten in der Schweiz 1940-1949 (“Only a Transit Country”: Work Camps and Internment Homes for Refugees among Emigrants in Switzerland, … [Read More]
German-Israeli Relations since the 1990s Germany and Israel in the 1990s and Beyond: Still a”Special Relationship”? by Yves Pallade, Peter Lang, 2005, 598 pp. Reviewed by Manfred Gerstenfeld This book gives a broad overview of German-Israeli relations since the former’s … [Read More]
The Failed Bombing by Leftists of the Berlin Jewish Community Center on Kristallnacht 1969 Die Bombe im Jüdischen Gemeindehaus, by Wolfgang Kraushaar, Hamburger Edition HIS Verlagsges, 300 pp., 2005. Reviewed by Manfred Gerstenfeld On 9 November 1969, a bomb was planted in … [Read More]
Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories in Contemporary Germany Antisemitische Verschwörungstheorien nach dem 11. September (Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories after September 11) by Tobias Jaecker, LIT, 2005, 208 pp. [in German] Reviewed by Manfred Gerstenfeld Anti-Semitic conspiracy theories have been around for close to … [Read More]
The European Union has for many years announced its ambition to be a global political actor – to act as a counterweight to the United States on the world scene. The summer war in Lebanon could have been a major … [Read More]
The last four years have seen the promotion of boycott and divestment campaigns against Israel in a number of countries. There have also been verbal or even physical aggressions and discrimination against Israelis and Jews. The fact that the anti- … [Read More]